• Fuyou


Lixia, is the seventh of the twenty-four solar terms, the first solar term of summer, the time of crossing the festival in the annual calendar May 05-07 days. At this time, the handle of the Big Dipper points to the southeast, and the sun’s yellow longitude reaches 45°. Almanac: “The Dou refers to the southeast dimension, for the beginning of summer, everything grows up to this point, so the name of the beginning of summer also.” At the beginning of summer, everything grows. After the beginning of summer, sunshine increases, the temperature rises gradually, and thunderstorms increase. Lixia is an important festival marking the beginning of the peak season of growth for all things.


Li, means to establish, to begin. Summer, in the ancient language, means big. All things have grown up to this point, the name of the summer. Due to the vastness of China, spanning from north to south, the natural rhythms of different places are not the same. At the beginning of summer, China only Fuzhou to the south of the South Ridge line presents a “green trees and thick summer long, the reflection of the building into the pond” of the summer scene; while the northeast and northwest of the part of the region at this time just have the breath of spring.


On the day of summer, many places have to eat “summer rice”, eat eggs, weighing people and taste three new customs.  into the summer season, people’s metabolism accelerated, the heart and brain blood supply is insufficient, often make people restless, tired and lazy. Should be reasonable arrangement of work and rest time, supplemental nutrients, take the correct health care methods.

Post time: Apr-30-2024